"Shame" is a mesmerizing film by the truly brilliant director Steve McQueen. His fine art background is evident here as he directs using amazing visual storytelling. This could have almost worked as a silent film. The camera work is extraordinary in this film, with amazing shot compositions. The photography was divine and aided significantly by the beautifully authentic New York setting – the office, the apartment, the night spots, the subway. Although the plot can get quite perverse at times, the cinematography maintains a comfortably intimate feel. The camera seems to always be perfectly placed – neither too close nor too distant and using the most effective angle for perspective. The music deserves its kudos too, as it sets the mood without being too intrusive. The score is powerfully silent in the right moments. The cast is outstanding too, as Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan are stripped bare (in every sense of the word) and take their acting to the next level. Fassbender bares his soul through the expressions on his face, while Mulligan completely plays against type and absolutely nails it. The other actors deserve credit too, particularly the flawless Nicole Beharie. I would love to see more of her. I didn’t like "Hunger", but after this film, I’m excited to see McQueen’s future work as well. If I hadn’t done my best of 2011 already, this film would have probably made the top 10.
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This is a movie I will watch more than once. Mainly because there is a lot of subtext not just about his addicition but how others see his addiction that I have missed when I first watched it. Great review