"Dil Chahta Hai" is a poorly executed film that starts off reasonably well but eventually overstays its welcome. The 3-hour run time is a major problem with the film, as there doesn't seem to be much purpose in the screenplay. The film is about love and relationships but fails to provide an interesting story. As someone who is fairly well acquainted with Bollywood films, I am used to the lengthiness of their films. This one however, becomes torturous somewhere around the 2 hour and 15 minute mark. It is at this point that a major character says something so joltingly insensitive that completely contradicts the prior scene. It reveals the dishonesty of the script and is practically offensive to the viewer. As a result, we are forced to endure another 40 minutes dedicated to fixing this repercussions of this incident (among other boring plot points). As I said before I'm a fan of Bollywood and enjoyed some of the comedic bits and song-and-dance numbers, but the inadequacies of the script are far too irritating to ignore. By final scene, the film attempts another overly sentimental pull to appease the viewer, but it's unfortunately too late.
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