
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Movie Resolutions

2013 has come and gone and I will remember it fondly. This was an outstanding year for the blog, as I achieved various milestones. In April, I was nominated for a LAMMY award for Best Awards Coverage. I finally got a proper domain for the site at the end of July. Finally, I attended my first festival (with press credentials!) in October. This also had the unexpected effect of nearly doubling my usual readership! It was a fine year indeed and I'm grateful for all the support.

This post is mainly about my blogging goals for 2014 though. After the success of my 2013 resolutions, I'm excited to continue with this new tradition. Here are my New Year's Movie Resolutions for 2014:

- Watch more black cinema.

- Score at least 80 points in the Film Actually Oscar Contest.

- Write more editorials.

- Watch more movies!

1 comment:

  1. If you want to watch movie black cinema, consider joining AFFRM! ->
