This week on Hit me with your best shot, we celebrated the Orson Welles Centennial by looking at 3 select films from his filmography - "Citizen Kane", "The Magnificent Ambersons" and "The Lady from Shanghai". Having already seen his famous masterpiece "Citizen Kane", I decided to watch the latter for my best shot choice this week. The film is a film noir starring Welles himself and the gorgeous Rita Hayworth, and it centers around a convoluted murder plot that occurs during a yachting excursion.
I must admit, said murder plot was a bit far-fetched for my liking, but the final 30 minutes were absolutely thrilling. I especially got a kick out of that grand farce of a murder trial. Welles always does such exciting things with the camera and this film is no different. My pick for best shot is thus an example of how much drama he can evoke simply through camera placement and shot composition.
Click below for my favourite shot...
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Great shot! I agree that this isn't his best work, but what he does with it, tonally, is very impressive!