One of the year’s most captivating films hits North American theaters this weekend in the form of “The Guilty,” the debut feature from Danish director Gustav Möller. This inventive thriller takes audiences through a nerve-wracking kidnapping investigation, as it plays out through a phone call set entirely within the confines of an emergency dispatch center. Winner of the Audience Award at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival, “The Guilty” now aims for a bigger prize as the official Danish submission for the Foreign Language Oscar. In recognition of its release and upcoming Oscar campaign, I recently spoke with Möller to discuss the making of the film. Below is an edited version of our chat.
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A black teenager with disabilities, Ricky was at a heightened risk for police violence, Karen Sheley of the ACLU of Illinois said in a statement. He survived but he should never have been shot. Despite video evidence to the contrary, Van Dyke and other officers on the scene claimed McDonald was acting aggressively before the shooting.
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JAB THEY MET Two years ago, after two months of conversations that began on Facebook and Snapchat, and progressed to late night phone calls, Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja decided it was time they met. They spent the entire day walking around London, talking. And exactly two years from that day, they wed in Mumbai.
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