There's no business like show business. As streaming, broadcast television and the theatrical experience continues to wage a war to capture audiences, viewers have benefitted from this competition greatly. This is most evident in the TV landscape, where the variety of programming delivered some truly extraordinary storytelling. Notably, the best of them included brilliant showcases of the life and work of female entertainers, at a time when their voices are crying out to be heard. As I bore witness to the awe-inspiring narratives of these wrestlers, comedians and musicians, it filled me with hope that they will be silenced no more. Indeed, this current Golden Age of Television continues to thrill us in unforgettable and surprising new ways. So without further ado, here are my picks for the best of TV from this wonderful year.
- Hannah Gadsby: Nanette
- Homecoming: A Film by Beyoncé
- Better Call Saul
- Fleabag
- The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
- The Good Fight
- Veep
- When They See Us
- Escape at Dannemora
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